Wednesday 3 October 2012

The Perfume Shop

I have always loved going to the perfume shop. It is not so much the opportunity to buy new fragrances that I find enjoyable. Sure, it is nice to go to the fragrance shop and bring home a new scent, but it is more than that.

There is something about being around the fragrances that is extremely captivating. Even discount fragrances catch the nostrils and excite the brain. The right scent can bring you back to a childhood memory. It can show you your first day of school or your first love.

It can show you your favorite place from when you were five, a spot that you have since forgotten. Perfumes are designed specifically to excite the senses. Going to a perfume shop can be almost overwhelming.

I always try to find little reasons to go to the perfume shop. You see, it is not a place that I can easily stop by. It is not really on my way to anything. The perfume shop that I like to go to is far uptown. On a typical day, It can take anywhere between half an hour and an hour and a half to get there.

It simply is not worth it. It is not something that I can justify in my busy schedule. This is why I find any reason that I can to get a perfume gift set for someone.  Sometimes, I get perfume gift sets for no reason at all. I rationalized that it is just a way of showing a close friends that I care. Deep down inside, however, I know the real reason.

I am, in fact, such a good customer at the perfume shop that the salespeople literally trip over each other trying to serve me. Everyone wants their cut of the commission! As soon as I get in to the perfume shop, I am ambushed from every side at once. It really is amazing how quickly they pounce. In reality, I don't mind. I have always loved getting waited on.

 For me, it is just another benefit of the perfume shop. The great service is just one more reason why I can't resist. I really should find a way to spend less time there and less money! After all, it is not like I don't have enough fragrances already. I have dozens of them, and I usually get a half a dozen more every trip that I take to the perfume shop.

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